What is Persistent Homology?

Persistent Homology describes topological development of a filtered simplicial complex in one variable. Since simplicial complexes have potentially exponential growth in the number of vertices calculating Persistent Homology might seem cumbersome but thanks to work of Edelsbrunner, Letscher and Zomorodian we have a fast algorithm for that task, as presented in [1].

It can be used to measure the resolution of a given feature in a point cloud, i.e. a set of points embedded in an euclidean vector space, or more abstract any other finite metrical space. We note that such spaces correspond to a weighted complete graph.

The presented program is an approach to calculation of the Persistent Homology of a finite sample of points using heuristics to reduce calculation time on the one hand and on the other hand bypass problems that are getting out of hand when trying to analyze them theoretically.

Using algebraic theorems about homotopy types of nerves and homology one can show, that if the space sampled from and the sample itself is sufficiently nice in some sense we are guaranteed to have atleast one parameter of the Čech-Filtration in which we restore the homotopy type of the underlying space. Thus mathematical correctness is given.

What has the Program to offer?

Approaches and Bottlenecks

I am representing a filtration using a tree structure causing high memory costs scaling with filtration size (up to filtration exponential in vertex set size in worst case). The advantage of this structure is a significant reduction in calculation time compared to my other approach where the filtration is calculated very quickly but without memorizing it. That approach is very good when we do not want to calculate homology, but that is exactly what we are after. Therefore I stick to the tree approach here.


You can launch the application by executing java -jar "path/to/jar". If you need extra memory size you can add -Xmx6g after the path to higher the maximum available memory of the JVM.


One workflow aiding feature is the users variable storage, so he can reference previously defined objects in other method calls. For example getting a 1000 point sample from a smooth surface like the Torus:

T <- PointSet Torus 1000 --mapping

Evenly distribute (by successively maximizing the minimal distance from each landmark to its preceeding landmarks) 100 landmarks over it:

L <- LandmarkSet 100 T --maxmin

And finally create a 3-Skeleton of the Čech-Filtration of the LandmarkSet L and assign it to the variable name F by executing

F <- Filtration 3 cech L

If we want to see a summary of what we did, we can run lo for “list objects” and get the following output.

User initialized Objects in Memory = [
	{T - Type: PointSet - Description: PointSet from Torus mapping of size 1000}
	{F - Type: Filtration - Description: 3-Skeleton of Čech(L)}
	{L - Type: Landmarks/PointSet - Description: A by maxmin chosen LandmarkSet of the PointSet T}

A full overview can be found using help.


As presented by Edelsbrunner and Harer in [2] we can see that once the filtration is calculated, the task of determining Persistent Homology of it is given through plain matrix reduction over the field of two elements with some restrictions.

That reduction is implemented in such a way that we do not need to hold the complete matrix all calculation long. Only if we have a column vector that is still needed, i.e. it having a trailing 1, we save it. Otherwise it is either a linear combination of the ones we already saved and can be discarded or it can successively be reduced to a remaining independent vector with a trailing 1.

This is a very important trick we make use of there, because saving the whole matrix at one time, even though it is sparse in general, is already near to impossible for a medium sized filtration.

The reduced matrix gives us Persistent Homology which is usually visualized as a barcode or persistence diagram. A barcode plot shows the existence of a homology class to a given point of time in the filtration as a black bar whose length is the persistence of this class. We consider a topological feature to be significant if its corresponding persistence bar has an outstanding length.

Here is one of the Torus example from above created by plot P -k 1 -l 2 and RStudio:

Torus example

Anyone who encountered the homology of the Torus before will directly notice something familiar here even though we started with 1000 points sampled from its surface and chose 100 evenly spreaded landmarks.

The homotopy type restoring parameter I mentioned at the beginning lives somewhere between 4 and 5 in this case as the diagram shows that this is the interval in which the “living” homology classes are the ones of the homology of the Torus.

Todo List


Syntax Options Modifiers Description
help [type]     Shows this menu if no type is specified. type = “init” shows the help menue on how to initialize objects.
[var] <- [object]     Set the variable [var] to be the specified object [object], so you can reference it in other method calls.
lo     List objects in current user register.
plot [P] k, l balls Plot a plottable object. These are of type:
Filtration: Showing a Filtration of points in 2 or 3 dimensions using Processing and PeasyCam. (Careful: Due to a change in the Processing library the program ends after closing the window) The modifier “balls” specifies that you want to draw the balls of radius r when showing the Filtration for parameter r. (Cech-Filtration f.e.)
Persistence: A Persistence object can be plotted as a barcode using R and the ggplot2 library. The output is simple R code that you can paste into the R console. Specifying k and l as the lowest respectively highest dimension to plot the persistent homology of.
clear     Clears the user register, i.e. the place where objects are stored.
save [obj] [path]   home Save an writable object. Writable objects are objects of type PointSet, LandmarkSet, Filtration. The home modifier specifies wether you want to give the path relative to your home directory.
finalize [var]     Deletes the object and releases the variable. Caution: There may be other objects depending on this variable, only use this command if you know what you are doing.
home [path]     Sets the users home directory. This is the place where the logs of your sessions go and you should manage your files from. You can read and write from your home directory more easy. The standard home directory is ~/.persistent_homology/home/

help init shows the following table.

Syntax Options Modifiers Description
Persistence [F]   reduced Calculates persistent homology of the Filtration F.
PointSet [type/path] delim, next, text home, csv, mapping Initialize a PointSet in various ways specified by a modifier:
csv: Reads the PointSet from a csv file. For now only euclidean and word lists are allowed. These are specified by the type argument. (euclidean or levenshtein) The home modifier specifies that the path is relative. Example call:
PointSet “path/to/csv” euclidean - -csv
mapping: You can choose between different mappings from which the points are to sample. There are Torus, Swiss, Klein3, Klein4 for now. The second argument specifies the magnitude of the sample. Example call:
PointSet Swiss 1000 - -mapping
LandmarkSet [n] [S]   maxmin Subsetting a PointSet S by n points that are either randomly distributed (standard) or chosen per maxmin by specifying this modifier.
Filtration [k] [type] [S]     Initializes a filtration of dimension k and type type. S is either a PointSet for types “cech” or “vietoris” and a LandmarkSet for type “witness”.

[1] Edelsbrunner, Herbert; Letscher, David; Zomorodian, Afra. (2000). Topological persistence and simplification.

[2] Edelsbrunner, Herbert; Harer, John. (2010). Computational Topology. Providence, USA: American Mathematical Society.